Na i Beilonau Dyffryn Tywi - No to Dyffryn Tywi Pylons

Na i Beilonau Dyffryn Tywi - No to Dyffryn Tywi Pylons!

Rwy’n siŵr eich bod yn ymwybodol erbyn hyn o’r cynlluniau gan Bute Energy i sefydlu coridor o beilonau a gwifrau trydan yn cysylltu fferm wynt yn y Canolbarth i’r Grid Cenedlaethol, a hynny drwy Ddyffryn Tywi.

Mae’r cynnig hwn wedi creu cryn dipyn o ofid yn yr ardal leol, oherwydd ei effaith gweledol ar y dyffryn, sydd yn enwog am ei harddwch a’i dirwedd brydferth.

Tra ein bod yn llawn sylweddoli’r angen am fwy o ynni adnewyddadwy, rydym o’r farn bod modd cludo’r ynni yma drwy wifrau o dan y ddaear, a fyddai’n sicrhau ffynhonnell newydd o egni gwyrdd tra hefyd yn parchu’r gymuned leol a threftadaeth yr ardal.

Arwyddwch ein deiseb, sy’n galw ar osod y gwifrau yma dan y ddaear, a dangoswch nad ydym yn barod i dderbyn peilonau ar hyd Dyffryn Tywi.


You may be aware of the proposals by Bute Energy to establish a corridor of energy pylons and cables from a wind farm in Mid Wales, going through the Tywi Valley to join the National Grid.

This has caused significant concerns in the local area, as this would have a significant visual impact on the valley, which is renowned for its natural beauty and stunning, picturesque landscape.

Whilst recognising the need for increased renewable energy sources, we believe that transmission of this energy can be achieved by placing these cables underground, which would ensure a new source of green energy and respect the local area’s communities and their heritage.

Sign our petition for the undergrounding of these cables and help us demonstrate the strength of opposition to the proposed pylon route in the Tywi Valley.

3,564 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 2562 reactions

  • Catherine Hoyt
    signed 2023-03-18 08:03:52 +0000
  • David Williams
    signed 2023-03-18 07:22:50 +0000
  • Georgina Loader
    signed 2023-03-17 23:17:16 +0000
  • Kristin Hayes
    signed 2023-03-17 22:43:44 +0000
    If windfarms are imposed on this beautiful area, the very smallest mitigation would be to bury the cables. No pylons please!

    I trust that farmers and affected landowners will be adequately recompensed for any disruption or inconvenience by receiving a percentage payment against the energy company’s future profits in perpetuity, rather than a derisory one-off fixed payment, whatever the outcome of these consultations.
  • Anest Voyle
    signed 2023-03-17 21:51:53 +0000
  • Ga Morgans
    signed 2023-03-17 21:41:33 +0000
  • Samantha Kuhn
    signed via 2023-03-17 21:40:16 +0000
  • Kelvin Abell
    signed 2023-03-17 21:30:05 +0000
    Absolutely NO to ruining the beautiful countryside of Wales with obscene pylon network that has unknown health implications for those living close and an absolute environment aesthetic disaster for all passing through the environment. NO!
  • Lowri Voyle
    signed 2023-03-17 21:19:26 +0000
  • David Stephens
    signed 2023-03-17 21:14:13 +0000
  • Awen Voyle
    signed 2023-03-17 21:01:42 +0000
  • Diego Miguez
    signed 2023-03-17 20:55:44 +0000
  • Anqen Butler
    signed 2023-03-17 20:31:26 +0000
  • Rhian Thomas
    signed 2023-03-17 19:57:26 +0000
  • Roshan Chattaway
    signed 2023-03-17 19:36:33 +0000
  • Yvonne Lewis
    signed 2023-03-17 19:12:58 +0000
  • Anneka Lewis-Smith
    signed 2023-03-17 19:07:24 +0000
    Minimise electrical field by going underground please.
  • Cherry Walker
    signed 2023-03-17 18:31:44 +0000
    I am totally against these out dated eyesores. We have enough visible monstrosities carrying power as it is. These will have a negative affect on our beautiful country. The pylons are positively antediluvian. For these reason i am against our country being raped yet again.
  • Anonymous
    signed 2023-03-17 17:44:18 +0000
  • Nicola Davies
    signed 2023-03-17 17:06:40 +0000
  • Bob Andrews
    signed via 2023-03-17 16:40:39 +0000
  • Ruth Prickett
    signed 2023-03-17 16:16:57 +0000
  • Rayna Tullett
    signed 2023-03-17 16:00:19 +0000
    It’s not the green electricity I object to – it’s the fact that electricity does not travel THROUGH the cables, but alongside them, and spreads out all around. Do you remember that field of fluorescent lights – lit solely by the leaking power from the pylon cables many metres above? That was an installation in Bristol. See Richard Box

    The 1301 fluorescent tubes are powered only by the electric fields generated by overhead powerlines.

    “A fluorescent tube glows when an electrical voltage is set up across it. The electric field set up inside the tube excites atoms of mercury gas, making them emit ultraviolet light. This invisible light strikes the phosphor coating on the glass tube, making it glow. Because powerlines are typically 400,000 volts, and Earth is at an electrical potential voltage of zero volts, pylons create electric fields between the cables they carry and the ground.”

    We need the electricity to be insulated away from the wildlife and ourselves, and buried underground.

    No to the pylons, and the damage you’d cause with them. Offer us an insulated, underground network instead, please.
  • Katy Farmer
    signed 2023-03-17 15:31:27 +0000
  • Gordon Woodall
    signed 2023-03-17 15:26:15 +0000
    No pylons please!!
  • Amanda Aldridge
    signed 2023-03-17 15:12:16 +0000
  • Olivia Bradley
    signed 2023-03-17 15:11:57 +0000
  • Mary Horton
    signed 2023-03-17 14:29:23 +0000
  • Ann Pettitt
    signed 2023-03-17 14:28:26 +0000
    This landscape must be preserved. Pylons would be an appalling form of visual pollution. An act of vandalism
  • Judy Holt
    signed 2023-03-17 14:10:18 +0000

This starts with you

They have the money but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there's nothing we can't accomplish together.
