Na i Beilonau Dyffryn Tywi - No to Dyffryn Tywi Pylons

Na i Beilonau Dyffryn Tywi - No to Dyffryn Tywi Pylons!

Rwy’n siŵr eich bod yn ymwybodol erbyn hyn o’r cynlluniau gan Bute Energy i sefydlu coridor o beilonau a gwifrau trydan yn cysylltu fferm wynt yn y Canolbarth i’r Grid Cenedlaethol, a hynny drwy Ddyffryn Tywi.

Mae’r cynnig hwn wedi creu cryn dipyn o ofid yn yr ardal leol, oherwydd ei effaith gweledol ar y dyffryn, sydd yn enwog am ei harddwch a’i dirwedd brydferth.

Tra ein bod yn llawn sylweddoli’r angen am fwy o ynni adnewyddadwy, rydym o’r farn bod modd cludo’r ynni yma drwy wifrau o dan y ddaear, a fyddai’n sicrhau ffynhonnell newydd o egni gwyrdd tra hefyd yn parchu’r gymuned leol a threftadaeth yr ardal.

Arwyddwch ein deiseb, sy’n galw ar osod y gwifrau yma dan y ddaear, a dangoswch nad ydym yn barod i dderbyn peilonau ar hyd Dyffryn Tywi.


You may be aware of the proposals by Bute Energy to establish a corridor of energy pylons and cables from a wind farm in Mid Wales, going through the Tywi Valley to join the National Grid.

This has caused significant concerns in the local area, as this would have a significant visual impact on the valley, which is renowned for its natural beauty and stunning, picturesque landscape.

Whilst recognising the need for increased renewable energy sources, we believe that transmission of this energy can be achieved by placing these cables underground, which would ensure a new source of green energy and respect the local area’s communities and their heritage.

Sign our petition for the undergrounding of these cables and help us demonstrate the strength of opposition to the proposed pylon route in the Tywi Valley.

3,564 signatures

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Showing 2562 reactions

  • Debbie Gates
    signed 2023-03-17 13:52:52 +0000
    Pylons are outdated 1920’s infrastructure and an eyesore which are being taken down in other parts of the country so why are more being added elsewhere. Lay these cables underground.
  • Dean Souter
    signed 2023-03-17 13:50:28 +0000
    Connect energy park to nearer sub stations in either Hereford, buith wells, llandrindod wells?????? Why 60 Miles pylon run?
  • Clare Bishop
    signed 2023-03-17 12:25:50 +0000
  • Nicholas Hopkins
    signed 2023-03-17 10:50:47 +0000
  • Lisa Stone
    signed 2023-03-17 10:39:18 +0000
  • Cerys Evans
    signed 2023-03-17 10:24:26 +0000
  • Teresa Clemenets
    signed via 2023-03-17 10:11:08 +0000
  • Paul Thomas
    signed 2023-03-17 09:45:28 +0000
  • Angie Devereux
    signed 2023-03-17 09:42:36 +0000
    I think everything should go underground

    We are failing the Welsh people agreeing to further aesthetic rape of the beauty of the country and it’s resources

    The Welsh people have been ignored when flooding of valleys use of land for military use it’s a poor show to allow further non consensual acts in the name of the greater good

    By all means let’s create eco energy but let’s be kind to our environment and the people who

    Live here.

    Underground cables if this was the new forest , the Cotswolds or any other place of beauty it wouldn’t even be suggested

    Come on Wales stand up for yourselves ♥️
  • Sylvia Davies
    signed 2023-03-17 09:23:55 +0000
    Beautiful letter,the Towy valley is a place of peace and tranquility.Pylons would ruin it’s natural beauty
  • Tom Keil
    signed 2023-03-17 09:09:44 +0000
    This proposal can not be allowed to go ahead. There are few areas in the world as beautiful as the Tywi Valley, and it would be scandalous if these cables are not at the very least placed underground.
  • Bethan Jones
    signed 2023-03-17 08:43:49 +0000
    No way to this criminal axt of damage to my beautiful home town.
  • Sara Ward
    signed 2023-03-17 08:24:48 +0000
  • Barry Wade
    signed 2023-03-17 08:14:36 +0000
  • Marianne Rhys
    signed 2023-03-17 07:54:36 +0000
  • Anne Bwye
    signed 2023-03-17 07:35:07 +0000
  • Bethan Williams
    signed 2023-03-17 07:12:49 +0000
  • Catrin Price
    signed 2023-03-17 01:29:09 +0000
  • Mia Griffiths
    signed 2023-03-16 21:42:45 +0000
  • Elizabeth Rees
    signed 2023-03-16 21:09:53 +0000
  • Deborah Robinson
    signed 2023-03-16 21:04:39 +0000
  • Shireen Linton
    signed 2023-03-16 21:01:19 +0000
  • Tom Stevens
    signed 2023-03-16 20:48:58 +0000
  • Aled Gravell
    signed via 2023-03-16 20:13:55 +0000
  • Ceri Jones
    signed 2023-03-16 19:21:07 +0000
  • Jo Lowe
    signed via 2023-03-16 18:02:47 +0000
  • Susan Otway
    signed via 2023-03-16 16:46:03 +0000
  • James Straughan
    signed 2023-03-16 16:30:35 +0000
  • Wiktor Szostek Janik
    signed 2023-03-16 16:09:01 +0000
  • Richard Thompson
    signed 2023-03-16 16:07:08 +0000

This starts with you

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